Contact Us

Do you want to:

  • Book a free workshop for your club? 
  • Use our Mind Set Engage logo?
  • Partner with us?
  • Have other queries?

Click here to get in contact with the Mind Set Engage team.

We aim to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible. However, please allow for up to 48 hours for a response. Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.

Need help right now?

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed and distressed and that’s all good! Click here for a list of phone numbers, websites and support services that are all designed to provide you with the best support when you need it.

Worried about someone?

If you feel like someone you love needs extra support you can find tools on how to start a kōrero with them here. If you feel like they need more assistance you can find a directory of services here, or alternatively call 111 if it's an emergency.